असफल होना
असफल होना
= FAILउदाहरण : यह परियोजना असफल होना तय है।Usage : she failed in her obligations as a good daughter-in-law
असफल होना
= MISSउदाहरण : मैं अपनी बहन को असफल होना करता हूँ।Usage : i miss my sister.
असफल होना
= DRAW A BLANKउदाहरण : कड़ी मेहनत के बावजूद वह परीक्षा में असफल हुआ।Usage : I tried to remember where I left my keys, but I just drew a blank.
असफल होना
= FIZZLEUsage : all of his plans fizzled out on hearing the cost of implementation.
असफल होना
= FALL FLATउदाहरण : उसकी अपने बॉस को प्रभावित करने की सभी कोशिशें असफल हो गईं।Usage : all his efforts to impress his boss fell flat.
असफल होना
= FLUNKUsage : i flunked in the test.
असफल होना
= FIZZLE OUTUsage : The team's efforts to revamp their marketing strategy began to fizzle out as they struggled to come up with a new plan.
असफल होना
= FLOPUsage : the play was a dismal flop
असफल होना
= UNRAVELUsage : She tried to unravel the mystery behind the old photograph.
असफल होना
= FALL THROUGHUsage : sri lankas efforts to win fell through in the very first round.
असफल होना
= BOMBUsage : The suspect admitted to planning to bomb the meeting room.
असफल होना
= LOSEUsage : she lost her purse when she left it unattended on her seat
असफल होना
= BUST UPUsage : The project will bust up due to poor planning.
असफल होना
= MISCARRYUsage : She feared she would miscarry again.
असफल होना
= MISS THE MARKUsage : His answer missed the mark in the final quiz.
असफल होना
= BITE THE DUSTUsage : After a long battle, the enemy finally had to bite the dust.